Day 4…(shipping supply organization)

I woke up confused, for two reasons. I feel as though I lost something or someone, and I was sad. There are no known causes of these emotions and feelings, but it did not stop me from my 4th task this week of organizing my shipping area for work. Took no time at all andContinue reading “Day 4…(shipping supply organization)”

Day 3… ( the floors)

Alright, alright, about halfway through the challenge. Seemingly easy enough (it’s just a chore list right?) Today was off though, and I knew it was coming. The past two days were so easy to complete (see previous post about the challenge). Its definately not the tasks that are challenging, and I’m starting to feel theContinue reading “Day 3… ( the floors)”

First Step to Becoming You

So you know when something doesn’t go your way? That feeling you get, that turns into a lot of wasted thoughts (you are probably blowing way out of proportion). You are feeding that negativity and bringing that pain closer to you. You have to change this process and change it NOW! The following steps areContinue reading “First Step to Becoming You”